M.I. Cloud For Energy Saving
M.I. Cloud Energy Saving Device Helps to boost Thermal Convection resulting in Faster Transfer of Heat and Lower Consumption of Energy
In the image are two tanks 30L each filled with water and heated with 3000 KW heating element for 8 minutes. The more red and yellow color in tank with M.I. Cloud device can be observed which indicates more more hot water. This energy saving of M.I. Cloud has been certified by TUV SUD.

Without M.I. Cloud
With M.I. Cloud

The Magnetic Interference Cloud is Reversed in this case to Reduce the Surface Free Energy of Liquids and hence Weakening the Intermolecular Bonds.

The Weakened Intermolecular Bonds from the M.I. Cloud Influence Results in Faster Transfer of Heat and Reduction in Water Layering which Results from Uneven heating in the Tank.
Change in Surface Tension of A Drop of Water Under M.I. Cloud Influence Observed Through a Microscope

Side View of Water Tank
WithOut M.I. Cloud
With M.I. Cloud
Domestic Water Heaters
TUV Certified for Energy Saving
Can be Retrofitted in any Domestic Water Heater
Commercial Boilers and Heaters
Device can be modified to suit Commercial Heating Requirements